Thursday, May 3, 2012

Was gone, but now Im back..

What up What up, man I know its been a wile but I had some shit to handle behind the scenes and I can’t just put anything out lol. I hope people are feelin this latest “Blog of mine, it was taking me forever to finish up. Shit was starting to turn into a story of its own, each day or night I sat down to write the side story would just keep getting deeper and deeper, it deserved more detail then I was putting into it. But once I would do rewrites, I found myself with something that needed to be made into a full story and not just a “Blog. Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing wrong with “Blogs, its just for me I like to use it as a insider to the world I’m creating with this writing I’ve taken up. My point in sayin all this is I do feel like I’ve cheated my readers by cutting my current Blog short, at one point I looked up and saw I had four pages, that’s not much but I’m not tryin to take up to much of yall time. I just want to drop a gem on people so they know what my stories and charters are bout. If im gonna put a story out I want it on paper as a comic or book so readers can consume the story and get a natural high from it…

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