Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another weekend Down

What up yall? Hope everything is good on the other end. So I seen “Red Tails” this weekend and it was pretty good. The action was better then I expected and there were actors in it that I didn’t expect to see, like “Method Man” ( lol never did I expect to see him in the movie.) and a few others, I hope If you didn’t get a chance to see it yet that one day you do. I went to see It with my family and as always had a ball chillin wit them. But on a different note, I picked up a DVD that was a remake of “Mortal Kombat”. Whats up with all the remakes now an days? Some stuff just don’t need to be touched, If It aint broke don’t fix It. There was something’s that worked for me and some that didn’t, for the most part it was ok. But I found myself watching it and saying why don’t people just create something new or create a different chapter of the story to tell? I see the new trend is to make stories no matter how wild or fantasy driven and make it fit in modern times, Im startin to hate that. I mean so stories work and most don’t, I guess I just would like to see more original stories being made then all these remakes. The weekend is bout over and it’s back to the grind; I’ve had a lot on my mind this weekend, and I also had something go down that was a real experience for me to learn off. Every now an then you need to be reminded just how real shit is, or tested on how strong you are. When that test or reminder come ya way, all you can do is put ya head up and keep it movin.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Real Tail

What up What up What up, Hope all is well on the other side of the screen and you are getting it in doin whatever it is you do. I just want to take some of ya time and drop some lines on yall. I was watching this trailer the other day called, “Red Tails. The shit looks hot and it involves us blacks in a story that aint the same old shit we see all the time, its about the Tuskegee airmen and how hard shit was for a black man back then. But the main reason I’m on it is cause I hope people go see it, blacks above all else. But I know more then many wont go, and some not into that kind of story. It just fucks me up that many young people don’t want to see anything other then drugs or killing even if there is a good story out about our black history. I knew about the movie because of a show I check out on the net, but I did not know that the people behind it, my man “George Lucas could not get it made because Hollywood felt that black and most of America don’t want to see those type of movies. Fuck that shit made me feel some type of way when I found that shit out, but I also know it’s partly true. When I asked some of the young bouls that live around my way if they knew of the movie, they said no. It’s crazy that our people now an days,( not all but most.) value so much of the wrong things in life and don’t care to mind the meaningful shit. I really wanted to wait and send this out after I saw the movie myself, but after thinking over the weekend I said I’ll send one before and after I see the movie. I had some things to do this weekend, and people to link up with so next weekend im making sure to see it, I hope you all take some time out to do the same. When I get back at yall I hope I’ve seen it and I’ll be sure to drop some lines on the movie, Peace.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome Back

Last night I got a call telling me a close friend of mine, Butts was found over dosed off heroin in an alleyway around the corner from his crib. When I got the call I was out of town putting business together with a connect of mine named Lopez. I got back in town six days after and had to put a friend under the ground on some shit that don’t fit this mans life style… I mean we are talking bout a man that never smoked anything or took a drank of alcohol, So for some shit like this to be poppin off, it can’t be right. And I’m the type of nigga that rides for his fam, Butts was part of that fam and I got to do any and everything to find out what happened to my man Butts and why. It’s only right, God forgive me for what im bout to do. It’s late and the smell of wet swallows the hallway to the first floor of little Chris apartment building. This building is built off drug money so I know its people in here with heat on them, this spot do numbers wit the hard and weed. I know Chris, he cool peoples, I’ve made moves with him before and broke the pie down wit him once or twice, but I need some answers and I know I can find some here. Somebody in this muthafucka is gonna tell me something about somethin, I squeezed the twenty gauge tight in both hands and stood in the fire exit door way before pulling skully over my head, you know the one wit the eyes cut out the top. I count to two and turn commando rushing the door and heading right for the fourth floor where Chris room is. Dressed in all black and making no sound I caught no traffic going through the first two levels, then I hear a door slam and somebody yelling out “get that nigga!! Before shots was fired. Three men caught me wit my back turned and threw some heat right at me, I get low and break the gauge down given back some heat. I pick two off fast and the last one made a dip into a corner. I let off four dead at the corner choppin it down till I could get a shot and I take it, bulls eye. I get back on the move and I hear someone yell out, “A Chris we getting robbed!!” That’s always the first thought when some nigga comes running up in a drug spot armed, but that wasn’t why I was here. Bullets came ripping though the door to the third floor like paper, The thirty eight was on me for close encounters, but right now I need it to play crowd control to whoever tearin the door down. After the shots slow up I let out all six back through the door then take a dive through what was left of it into bathroom. Shots pop back off at me as I put my back against a wall in bathroom and switch back to the gauge. I been in this apartment enough to know what’s on each floor, I take a minute to reload everything then its back to work. As fast as I held my heat up and took a step back out, I had two bodys jump out from two different rooms. I tighten shit right up wit good gun play hittin both marks. Gotta keep it movin, Chris room is on the fourth floor but he was probably hiding on the fifth. I get to the fourth floor and take a peak through a hole in the wall that separates the stairs to the fourth level, then Shots spit out from Chris holding the heckler that had a sound suppressor on it dead at me, how the fuck was I going to get at him when he packin that. Then a loud slaming sound came from behind me and before I could turn to see who caught me slippin I feel three hot slugs hit my back. I go down, “A Chris I got that nigga.” when I look up its Lopez, and all I could remember is his shocked face as shit started to go black on me… My eyes get heavy, Dam I tried my nigga… I tried.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Just a lil on the new X-Men

What up What up. Yo the other day I was watchin TV and caught this new X-Men cartoon done by Japanese artist on cable. I know a lot of niggas don’t fuck wit cartoons and some do, me I fucks wit anything that holds my attention, and I fucks with a good cartoon (lol), but anyway I started watching it and this shit was corny as shit! I mean the art work was great but the fuckin show was boring and didn’t feel like I was watching the X-Men. Don’t get me wrong I know times change and with that change the shit we grew up and loved either fades away or like the X-Men get a new make over for the present time. All I’m tryin to say if it aint broke don’t fix it, that’s like this new spider man movie coming out this summer what the fuck is that (lol), I can’t wait till me and my man Shiz get our shit together with our work. Show Muthafuckas wit good work looks like, I put it on everything that if you don’t fuck with comics you will get down wit my shit, if you don’t think so check out Aarons Black book then get back at me.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don't sleep

What up what up, this is my personal blog I wanted to create for some time now. It’s just something that’s more inside and close to me and my thoughts, (it’s only my thought ladies and gentlemen lol.) I want to use this blog to give reviews on movies music and whatever the hell else I want. I’ll also give progress reports on my projects and others, but most of all this is just a door into my head. Every week I’ll send out a blog talking bout something that’s going on or that’s on my mind. Interviews with people I know and meet that do there thing, Rapping singing and artist with amazing skills and many more. I welcome you to my world, hang on.