Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Real Tail

What up What up What up, Hope all is well on the other side of the screen and you are getting it in doin whatever it is you do. I just want to take some of ya time and drop some lines on yall. I was watching this trailer the other day called, “Red Tails. The shit looks hot and it involves us blacks in a story that aint the same old shit we see all the time, its about the Tuskegee airmen and how hard shit was for a black man back then. But the main reason I’m on it is cause I hope people go see it, blacks above all else. But I know more then many wont go, and some not into that kind of story. It just fucks me up that many young people don’t want to see anything other then drugs or killing even if there is a good story out about our black history. I knew about the movie because of a show I check out on the net, but I did not know that the people behind it, my man “George Lucas could not get it made because Hollywood felt that black and most of America don’t want to see those type of movies. Fuck that shit made me feel some type of way when I found that shit out, but I also know it’s partly true. When I asked some of the young bouls that live around my way if they knew of the movie, they said no. It’s crazy that our people now an days,( not all but most.) value so much of the wrong things in life and don’t care to mind the meaningful shit. I really wanted to wait and send this out after I saw the movie myself, but after thinking over the weekend I said I’ll send one before and after I see the movie. I had some things to do this weekend, and people to link up with so next weekend im making sure to see it, I hope you all take some time out to do the same. When I get back at yall I hope I’ve seen it and I’ll be sure to drop some lines on the movie, Peace.

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