Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another weekend Down

What up yall? Hope everything is good on the other end. So I seen “Red Tails” this weekend and it was pretty good. The action was better then I expected and there were actors in it that I didn’t expect to see, like “Method Man” ( lol never did I expect to see him in the movie.) and a few others, I hope If you didn’t get a chance to see it yet that one day you do. I went to see It with my family and as always had a ball chillin wit them. But on a different note, I picked up a DVD that was a remake of “Mortal Kombat”. Whats up with all the remakes now an days? Some stuff just don’t need to be touched, If It aint broke don’t fix It. There was something’s that worked for me and some that didn’t, for the most part it was ok. But I found myself watching it and saying why don’t people just create something new or create a different chapter of the story to tell? I see the new trend is to make stories no matter how wild or fantasy driven and make it fit in modern times, Im startin to hate that. I mean so stories work and most don’t, I guess I just would like to see more original stories being made then all these remakes. The weekend is bout over and it’s back to the grind; I’ve had a lot on my mind this weekend, and I also had something go down that was a real experience for me to learn off. Every now an then you need to be reminded just how real shit is, or tested on how strong you are. When that test or reminder come ya way, all you can do is put ya head up and keep it movin.

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